A Few Reasons Why Reading Promotes Resilience

It has been proven on a global scale that early childhood education that is provided in a singapore child care center is a medium that keeps kids involved, hones their talent and improves their learning power. While intelligence  is foremost on the list with most parents, the simple fact of reading books plays quite an integral part of the life of the average child.

Chiltern house Singapore is one such child care center in singapore that has incorporated some reading time during the children daily activities due to its benefits. For more information, do visit their main website at http://www.chilternhouse.com.sg/

Let us look at a few reasons why reading promotes considerable resilience:

Baby Steps
The first step towards learning to read is to understand the letters of the alphabet. The next step is learning and counting numbers from zero onwards. As children learn these basics, they are ready for the next step, which is word formation and sentence construction. Naturally, while doing so, they have to ensure that the phonetics is right and progress accordingly.

Reading to Kids
As parents, teachers and child carers read stories to children; the craving to recapture the story becomes quite relevant for the child. You may find the little one browsing through the book and identifying with pictures. Eventually, the chore of reading is no longer one, but something that the little one may enjoy. The nurturing activity that reading brings to the fore is unlike any other. No child knows how to read or even write, it takes learning that helps them get by because they do not know if they should read from the left to the right and vice versa.

Speech Skills
Reading aloud helps the child improve her or his basic skills of recitation and reading. The sounds and the format of the words and the sentences may get kids quite excited resulting in squeals in wanting to know more and say more. Sounding out words and their meanings is therefore quite imperative and even proves that kids are resilient. Understanding that there is a difference in the story from the header and the body helps kids read well and aloud too.

The module to forming relationships and making friends is the art of conversation. If a child is incapable of reading, s/he may not be ready to explore other avenues. Snuggling up with a book in the parent’s lap becomes quite a constant for the preschool child who wants a cuddle and desires to learn. This brings the parent and child closer together and helps her/him down the line. Bonding with friends who share the same love for reading makes the journey an easier task. A good childcare center provides ample opportunities for children to make friends and use their simple methods of communication.

A good score, in the early years of childhood help kids, deepen their learning in the formal education stream. Research has proven repeatedly that children exposed to reading material invariably find it easier to comprehend the simple and more complex aspects of life and its challenges. A child, who read at an early age and developed a thirst for the written word, will be able to grasp mathematics, science and the various other constructs in the pedagogy.

Communicative Methods
When a person is thrown into the pool, s/he automatically tries to swim, when there is a problem the lifeguard attends to the issue and helps the person. Using this as an analogy of sorts, putting material that is relevant to the child, helps build up her/his resilience. It helps the little one better her/his communication skills and expresses her/him better as they identify with characters in the story. Due to this alacrity of sorts, the child also learns to master the language once s/he is able to grasp the fundamentals of the subject.
The reasons cited above definitely go to prove that kids find it logical to read as it helps them develop their minds to inculcate a love for reading, writing and speaking.

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